Looking for that special Halloween drink tonight? Not afraid of spirits? Go to Drink of the Week.com for some wicked brew!
Want wine only? Choose some Halloween themed wines such as:
Vampire Wines. Pinot Noir, Merlot, Cabernet, Merlot Rose, Pinot Grigio, White Zinfandel or Chardonnay.
Dracula wines: Zinfandel and Syrah (originally the grapes for this wine were grown on the Transyvlanian plateau, now they're made from Califonia grapes.
Poizin from Armida Winery in Healdsburg is a 'wine to die for'.... The wine, a zinfandel, comes in a great bottle with skull and cross-bones, and it's all packaged in a coffin.
For more fun Deadly Wines, go to Celebrate Wine. Other labels include Leelanau Cellars Witches Brew, Evil (updside down and backwards label), Owen Roe Sinister Hand, Toad Hollow Eye of the Toad, Zeller Schwarz Katz.
Want to give the personal touch to your Halloween wines? Add ghoulish labels or rebottle in cool jars with apothecary labels from Pottery Barn (or do them yourself). For a great article, go to Spooky Halloween Bottle & Glass Labels.
Don't forget some bloody toasts!