Michael McCurrey had a great post at McCurry's Corner on Virtual Attendees and 5 mistakes with Hybrid Events. He makes several very good points, and the comments to his post are good too.
He begins:
Both events had their highlights, including some great program content, but my “Ah Hah moment” this week was the realization, that event professionals have much to learn about perfecting the virtual attendee experience. To be fair about it, most organizations have not been playing in the Hybrid or Virtual event arena for very long, so it is reasonable to expect there is still much to learn about them.
McCurry lists 5 Mistakes and gives excellent solutions. Read the entire post HERE.
#1 Poor Customer Service
#2 Inadequate Internet Bandwidth to Support Event
#3 Poor Attendee Engagement Strategy
#4 Dysfunctional A/V Integration
#5 Education Misaligned with Event
What do you think? Were you a virtual attendee at MPI Meet Different or the Virtual Edge Summit?
Really did, and I mentioned it at the conference I went to last week in L.A. Hoping to extend the ideas to next year's meeting in Santa Fe. Thanks.