
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

TeamBuilding Unlimited in BizBash Los Angeles

Recently TeamBuilding Unlimited was featured in BizBash Los Angeles. The article focused on  Vendors with Charitable Tie-Ins. We're actually based in San Francisco, but we work everywhere in the U.S.

Our Bears that Care Activity was the focus of one part of the article. This was a Quality event for Genentech Vacaville, and they made some Quality Bears and Animals at their Holiday party. These Stuffed Bears that Care were later donated to several different organizations. Over 200 Bears and Animals were stuffed, decorated and boxed.

Read the entire article HERE.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Angel Island DiscoveryQuest

TeamBuilding Unlimited creates many customized DiscoveryQuests (Scavenger Hunts) on Angel Island, one of the San Francisco Bay Area's most historical sites. Angel Island is a California State Park located right in the middle of San Francisco Bay.

1. Angel Island Discovery Quest

To make the most of all the spectacular aspects of Angel Island-- the historical setting, the natural flora and fauna and the distant cities, waterways and more--TeamBuilding Unlimited's facilitators, will divide your groups into teams. Each team will be given specific instructions that direct them to numerous locations on the Island.

Throughout the Quest, teams will answer questions, take guesses, make observations and record the results. An incredible variety of clues-- all different and challenging--from road rallye to word puzzles-- will bring out the best of Angel Island as well as each team's creativity and perspicacity. Because the island includes so many possible locations, this DiscoveryQuest "walking tour" has some twists and turns that will allow the teams to make many fun decisions.

You'll also "Discover" a lot about your co-workers! What a fabulous setting and event to accomplish this!

2. Angel Island  Discovery Challenge Quest

A variation of our Angel Island DiscoveryQuest includes Challenge Facilitators at different locations along Team Routes. While the routes of the Discovery Quest and the DiscoveryChallenge Quest may be similar, the difference is that in the Challenge Quest, our facilitators have different special, surprise challenges at various semi-hidden locations along the Quest. Teams must compete at each activity and scores are recorded. Teams must make a whole new set of choices.

Both of these Scavenger Hunts are great for a Day on the Bay of Team Building/Team Bonding. Ferries leave San Francisco and Tiburon throughout the day. Angel Island has picnic grounds and other recreational facilities. There are rocky coves and sandy beaches, grassy slopes and forested ridges. Let TeamBuilding Unlimited lead your group in an amazing DiscoveryQuest you'll never forget!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Virtual Attendees Are Real People: Mistakes with Hybrid Events

Michael McCurrey had a great post at McCurry's Corner on Virtual Attendees and 5 mistakes with Hybrid Events. He makes several very good points, and the comments to his post are good too.

He begins:
Both events had their highlights, including some great program content, but my “Ah Hah moment” this week was the realization, that event professionals have much to learn about perfecting the virtual attendee experience.   To be fair about it,  most organizations have not been playing in the Hybrid or Virtual event arena for very long, so it is reasonable to expect there is still much to learn about them.

McCurry lists 5 Mistakes and gives excellent solutions. Read the entire post HERE.

#1 Poor Customer Service
#2 Inadequate Internet Bandwidth to Support Event
#3 Poor Attendee Engagement Strategy
#4 Dysfunctional A/V Integration
#5 Education Misaligned with Event

What do you think? Were you a virtual attendee at MPI Meet Different or the Virtual Edge Summit?