Utilizing recycled paper, cups, and other materials, each team is challenged to build the tallest 3 dimensional free-standing tower. Criteria for success will be given at the outset (ex: must be 5 feet tall, be

Process is as important at the Final Tower and will be incorporated into the debriefing based on the team's goals and objectives, agenda and the actual activity in terms of how the work was completed, how the work was designed and managed and how the work was evaluated and monitored.
In these new economic times isn't it all about Team Work. Check out TeamBuilding Unlimited's other types of activities and events. All customized for your group. Groups of 5 to 500-anywhere in the World!
Be sure and go back through 2008 entries in our blog for Charity Challenges, Scavenger Quests and lots of other activities and events that will lead your team to Success in 2009.
Just dropped by to say Happy New Year Janet.
Hmmm...got me to thinking about Team Work in the kitchen.
Lots of cooking type teambuilding projects. Be sure and drop by my other blog: http://mysteryreadersinc.blogspot.com for mystery reviews, info, lists. We have had several issues of the Mystery Readers Journal on Culinary Crime.
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