Murder on the Menu/
TeamBuilding Unlimited has worked with
VaST Systems, one of our favorite clients, at their January Leadership meeting for the past three years. One year we did a Murder on the Menu mystery event, the next year, our team presented
Hollywood: Casting Call. Both were very interactive and an overwhelming success. This year, given the current economic situation, VaST decided to work with
Murder on the Menu/
Team Building Unlimited on a Trikes for Tots event, an event that gives back to the community.
Held at the new
Intercontinental Hotel, the Clement, in Monterey, the evening opened with a talk by a representative from The Kinship Center, an organization dedicated to the creation, preservation and support of foster, adoptive and relative families for children who need them. VaST participants began the teambuilding portion of the event with a series of competitive Wacky children's games led by Frank Price, VP of TeamBuilding Unlimited. Did I say competitive? Not all groups opt for competition, but this great international executive team got into the spirit quickly and completely. Not only did they approach each Wacky Game with high spirits,

they challenged scores and judging. After a buffet dinner, the group moved on to the
Charity Challenge: Trikes for Tots, assembling tricycles for the children
The Kinship Center serves in Northern California. 11 Trikes were built and donated.
The evening ended with a new sense of camaraderie. Here's what Leslie Foster wrote:
"You did a great job, as always, and everyone had a good time. Nancy from the Kinship Organization presented very nicely how meaningful our trikes will be to the children. Wishing you the same hopes for a positive 2009 , and we look forward to getting creative with you and Janet and planning another event."
Murder on the Menu/Team Building Unlimited will need to come up with something to top this event! I think we'll be able to do it. We love working with repeat clients!