
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Charitable Holiday Parties

This year so many companies opted for Charitable Holiday Parties. What a wonderful way to work together and give back.

So far this season TeamBuilding Unlimited has facilitated Philanthropic events that ended up with lots of donations of Rocking Horses for Tots, Bears that Care, Red Wagons, Backpacks for Kids, Bikes for Kids, Trikes for Tots, and Dog Toys. 

Some of the benefiting organizations include CASA, the Family Giving Tree, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, and several other foundations and shelters. Lots of children will be happy this year--and so will dogs. New this year: Dog Toys -- put together by one of our groups and donated to the Humane Society and SPCA.

Happy Holidays!

Rocking Horses for Tots

Bears that Care

Bears that Care    

Dog Toys

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Project Recycled Runway: Team Building

One of  TeamBuilding Unlimited's latest Team Events is Project Recycled Runway, a fun competition that taps into the creativity and resourcefulness of your group. Teams are given the opportunity to design and construct garments, walk down the fashion runway, and create a pitch for their fashions that ties back to the goals and objectives and theme of their meeting/event.

Participants are the ‘designers’ as they work in teams under time pressure using newspaper, cardboard, garbage bags, cloth, recycled accessories, glue guns, staplers, and duct tape. This is a Green Team Building Event!

The challenge is to construct a team outfit using nothing but the materials provided. Teams need to construct their garments carefully, as their models will actually need to wear the outfits during the final and fun part of the event--the Corporate Team Runway. In addition, each team needs to work together to create a unique one minute Runway "Pitch".

Teams are judged on quality, style and ingenuity, as well as model ability and spokesperson's explanation. There is never a right answer in fashion, and the final show is always surprising and entertaining. Winning designs/teams will be judged by their peers and ‘celebrity’ judges.

This teambuilding activity is varied, collaborative, creative and engaging, generating team spirit. Project Recycled Runway really gets team members working and having fun together. Fast paced, fun and varied, this event really brings together large teams.

Teambuilding Unlimited works with your teams to incorporate your group’s goals, objectives, jargon and meeting theme into the event. Our trained facilitators help with team construction guidelines, but it’s up to each team’s ingenuity to execute and showcase their designs.

Which Team will win Project Recycled Runway? And which team will be out?

Contact TeamBuilding Unlimited for more information.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sandcastle Building: Perfect Team Building Day

Friday was a glorious day in Bodega Bay. Perfect for Sandcastle Building! 35 cross-functional employees from one of my favorite R&D manufacturing plant stormed the beaches. Each team created a 'castle' accompanied by 'guarding' creature. They also has to incorporate their team and company. The castles showed great diversity and creativity!

TeamBuilding Unlimited works with teams on Sensational Sand Castle Building! Teams are challenged to construct a "creative" themed Sand Castle. The process is grounded in both the reality and uncertainty of the task. This is not your usual trip to the Beach!  Company/Group/Goals and Objectives are always included in the final structure in some way. Groups are judged on creativity, ingenuity, resourcefulness and other criteria involved in creative team-building.

Contact TeamBuilding Unlimited for your next Team Building event! 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Top Flight TeamBuilding on the USS Hornet

40 engineers from an international R&D company took to the top flight deck of the USS Hornet last week to design and 'fly' aircraft in a teambuilding event led by Frank Price of TeamBuilding Unlimited. Because of the unique setting, our Corporate Grand Prix event was transformed into the Top Flight Challenge with teams building 'vehicles' that included wings with the partial covering of, in this case, rip stop nylon.

With a backdrop of the City of San Francisco and various planes on the deck, teams of 6 designed and competed in the challenge. All planes stayed the course, although no went airborn! A good thing since they would have ended up in the Bay--design did not include 'landing gear.'

TeamBuilding Unlimited was pleased to create such a great event on such short notice. Great location, too!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Olympic Inspired Team Building

BizBash recently had a feature on Olympic-inspired Team Building. Thanks, BizBash, for including Teambuilding Unlimited in this great article.

Teambuilding Unlimited offers its "Wacky Mini-Olympic Games." The featured games are Olympic sports with a whimsical twist, like "soccer hockey," which involves mismatched equipment from several different sports, including hockey sticks, lacrosse sticks, and a variety of different types and sizes of balls and gloves. This activity can accommodate between 5 and 300 people.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Backpacks for Kids: Summer Activity Packs

Back to School isn't the only time to participate in a Charity Challenge: Backpacks for Kids. Summer is a great time to put together Busy Activity Packs for Kids.

Recently a TeamBuilding Unlimited client group packed 44 backpacks with games, puzzles, coloring books, paper, pens, paints and a lot more. These backpacks were donated to the Ronald McDonald House in San Francisco. Much needed and appreciated.

TeamBuilding Unlimited will lead your team in this philanthropic team building activity. The event includes competitive  'elementary' quizzes in math, reading, science, p.e., history and a few other subjects. Are you smarter than a 3rd grader? Not always. All of the subject quizzes are customized to include the client, the goals and objectives and theme of the meeting/event.

Teams earn points to choose essential and fun supplies to fill the backpacks. Besides teambuilding skills, a lot of team bonding goes on during this meaningful and fun charity challenge, as your employees relive their early school years through playing children's games, taking quizzes, and filling the backpacks!

TeamBuilding Unlimited provides all the supplies, backpacks, games, quizzes and prizes. Your group supplies the skills and energy. Length and complexity customized to client timeline. 

What a win-win team event!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Who doesn't love to decorate cupcakes?  High above San Francisco-- on the 46th floor of the hotel during a large convention--150 spouses participated in the Cupcake Decorating Challenge! Armed with piping bags and frosting, the teams decorated over 500 cupcakes. Part of the challenge was to box the cupcakes, so they could be given to two charitable organizations. What a fun event. A beautiful day, sweet frosting and lots of decorating materials.

TeamBuilding Unlimited designed this program which included tips and techniques and pastry chefs! Usually TBU includes the building of a display in the event, but not this time, since the group was more concentrated on how many cupcakes could be decorated in the allotted time in order to have a bigger donation. It was a win-win event for everyone, especially the children who received the cupcakes!

Want to do the Cupcake Challenge for your next Team Building eventContact TeamBuilding Unlimited. This fun interactive and delicious activity capitalizes on your team's creativity and sweet tooth. It's great before or after a meal and can be incorporated into your lunch, dinner or afternoon teambuilding treat. 

Teams are challenged to Decorate their Cupcakes so that they symbolize the team itself, the company, the theme of the meeting, their positions at the company, or another theme.
In addition each team will be given materials to create a "DISPLAY" in which they'll be able to stack their treats into showpieces. Prizes will be given to best overall display!

Each team will be given Cupcakes and a variety of cupcake design supplies, tools and assorted decorating materials, so they can turn their concept into reality. After the cupcakes are designed, decorated and displayed, each team will create a "commercial" to present their cupcakes to the entire group.

And last but not least, participants will enjoy their creations.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Project Banner: Company Team Event

Let TeamBuilding Unlimited lead your team through a fun customized interactive event that explores their creative sides: Project Art, the Company Banner.

Participants work in teams of 5-8 to "design" a Banner that when completed represents their group, organization, mission, purpose or another theme, depending on the goals and objectives of the event. TeamBuilding Unlimited will consult with the client prior to the event.

The completed Banners are composed of smaller panels that each team member executes in harmony with the other team members.... totally they will add up to one Banner for each team of 5-8—--the big ‘picture’. In all, each of the Banners must reflect the totality. Teams must strategize on theme as well as final positioning and any other decorative elements.

Each individual will design a portion of Banner that reflects their group, their team, their organization. There can be a competition at the end of the activity, and prizes will be awarded to the ‘best’ in several categories.

Depending on the way the individual team building Banner event is set up, each team might be asked to design a portion of the Banner (squared off) about their theme. Deciding on the theme of the Banner is part of the challenge.

TeamBuilding Unlimited works with your teams on color palette and technique—but the best part is the creativity of your participants.

This team-building event involves creativity, leadership, strategic thinking, sequenced planning and communication. The Banner is about Process, as much as art.

The final product is a visual documentation of the team's understanding and awareness of the theme they have selected and the process through which they went.

Goal: Separate parts that add up to one vision! The Big Picture! 

These Banners can adorn the workplace, the lobby, the cafeteria or...want to make this a Charity ChallengeThe completed Banners can be donated to hospitals, children's centers and schools.

Contact TeamBuilding Unlimited for more information or to book an event!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Sangria Challenge

The Sangria Challenge is the perfect team building activity to do after a day of heavy meetings... or it's great to begin the evening before or after a terrific dinner! or enjoy this fabulous event during your summer picnic!

TeamBuilding Unlimited will challenge your teams to make a very special alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink that includes White and Red Wine and lots of other "secret" ingredients.

Teams are 'instructed' in the basics of wine and Sangria before they begin to mix up their taste sensations. They are challenged to a trivia quiz to see how much information they have retained—but also to allow the winning teams to have the advantage of picking their ingredients first (the challenge portion).

The TeamBuilding Unlimited Sangria Challenge will tantalize your taste buds while challenging your knowledge and creativity. In addition to mixing lemons and lots of other fruits with wine and bubbly water and other "secret" ingredients, each team will develop a marketing plan for their drink, a new logo and slogan, a name for "their" winery and their specific sangria drink and so much more!

This is the perfect mixology team-building event!

Book the Sangria Challenge for your next Party, Meeting, Picnic or Special Event.. Raise a Glass!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Olive Oil Tasting: Culinary Team Building

TeamBuilding Unlimited has added a new culinary team event with an Artisan Olive Oil Tasting.

Our Foodie Facilitator guides you through the world of olive oil-- as participants taste and dip. Our Olive Oil Tasting is designed to refine the palate in terms of great, artisan-made olive oil. Participants learn about the history and culture of olive oil while tasting one of the essential building blocks of western.

Participants will taste Olive Oil from Italy, France, Greece, Spain and California. Each region produces oils with different character and appeal based on the differences in climate, soil, variety of olive and processing method.  Participants will ‘experience’ these different oils with different flavor profiles.

Is the bouquet floral like honey or lime blossom, fruity like mango or green apple, vegetal like artichoke or fennel, or spicy like pepper or dark chocolate? And, what does it taste like?

This Olive Oil Tasting is like a wine tasting… sip, swirl, smell—dip—and taste!

TeamBuilding Unlimited provides Foodie Facilitator, Olive Oils, tasting cards, sourdough bread, Olive oils, surprises, “Prizes” and more.

Contact TeamBuilding Unlimited for more information

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Charity Challenge: Rocking Horses for Tots

TeamBuilding Unlimited facilitated an all day workshop yesterday that included Charity Challenge: Bikes for Kids, as well as  Charity Challenge: Rocking Horses for Tots.

The group did an amazing job of assembling the bikes and assembling and painting/decorating the wooden rocking horses. Each team spent time brainstorming their designs before implementing them.

The Rocking Horses and Bikes were donated to the San Francisco Ronald McDonald House. This charitable event had a huge impact on the company that assembled and painted them, as well as the children who received them.  It was a Win-Win experience!

Here's what our client had to say:

We totally appreciate you facilitating our special day. You really helped all of us to be at ease with the events of the day, and made us all smile and enjoy each other's company, and take pride in the efforts of painting our horses, and making us feel adept in assembling our bikes. 

Most of all, the goal was for all of us to spend time and get to know one another on a personal level. Thanks to you, it was a job well done and a fabulous day!

Charity Challenge: Rocking Horses and Charity Challenge: Trikes for Tots are great ways to bring your team together while fulfilling CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility. Contact TeamBuilding Unlimited for more information.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Presidio Discovery Quest: Team Building Unlimited

TeamBuilding Unlimited will guide your group through an incredible DiscoveryQuest in the Presidio, one of the San Francisco Bay Area's most historical sites, and a National Park. This DiscoveryQuest will be customized to include this unique location as well as your company,  participants, and goals and objectives.

For 218 years, the Presidio served as an army post for three nations that included world and local events, from military campaigns to the rise of aviation, from World Fairs to earthquakes. They all left their mark. This DiscoveryQuest will allow for exploring centuries of architecture, reflecting in a national cemetery, and walking through an historic airfield, forests, and beaches.

Throughout the Presidio DiscoveryQuest, teams will answer questions, take guesses, make observations. An incredible variety of clues—all different and challenging—from road rallye to word puzzles—will bring out the best of the Presidio as well as each team's creativity and perspicacity.

Because the area includes so many possible locations, this DiscoveryQuest "walking tour" has some twists and turns that will allow the teams to make many fun decisions and overcome several challenges.

Your participants will also "Discover" a lot about their group and team-mates! What a fabulous setting and event to accomplish this!

The final portion of the Scavenger Quest will be in the form of a presentation to determine the winner Presentations are a very fun and important part of the Hunt!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Suspended Meeting Rooms

From comes these photos of Modern Conference Rooms designed by Schmidt Hammer Lassen architects for Nykredit headquarters building in Copenhagen, Denmark.

These unusual floating meeting rooms are suspended in the air 50 feet above ground. Talk about a captive audience.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Project Recycled Runway

One of TeamBuilding Unlimited's latest Team Events is Project Recycled Runway, a fun competition that taps into the creativity and resourcefulness of your group. Teams are given the opportunity to design and construct garments, walk down the fashion runway, and create a pitch for their fashions that ties back to the goals and objectives and theme of their meeting/event.

Participants are the ‘designers’ as they work in teams under time pressure using newspaper, cardboard, garbage bags, cloth, recycled accessories, glue guns, staplers, and duct tape. This is a Green Team Building Event!

The challenge is to construct a team outfit using nothing but the materials provided. Teams need to construct their garments carefully, as their models will actually need to wear the outfits during the final and fun part of the event--the Corporate Team Runway. In addition, each team needs to work together to create a unique one minute Runway "Pitch".

Teams are judged on quality, style and ingenuity, as well as model ability and spokesperson's explanation. There is never a right answer in fashion, and the final show is always surprising and entertaining. Winning designs/teams will be judged by their peers and ‘celebrity’ judges.

This teambuilding activity is varied, collaborative, creative and engaging, generating team spirit. Project Recycled Runway really gets team members working and having fun together. Fast paced, fun and varied, this event really brings together large teams.

Teambuilding Unlimited works with your teams to incorporate your group’s goals, objectives, jargon and meeting theme into the event. Our trained facilitators help with team construction guidelines, but it’s up to each team’s ingenuity to execute and showcase their designs.

Which Team will win Project Recycled Runway? And which team will be out?

Contact TeamBuilding Unlimited for more information.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Chocolate & Cheese Pairings

TeamBuilding Unlimited often pairs Chocolate with Wine, or Chocolate with Beer for a unique teambuilding/teambonding event. But now we're also offering Chocolate and Cheese Pairings. Contact TeamBuilding Unlimited for more information, but if you want to do this at home here are several hints. 

Thanks to the California Milk Advisory Board for this post on Chocolate and Real California Cheese Pairings. Use this post as a guide. Love to hear which chocolate and cheeses you pair. Photo on the right is a pairing of  Cowgirl Creamery Triple Brie & Taza 70% Stoneground Chocolate. Great combination.

Chocolate and Cheese: Rich, bold, decadent – this pair is a savory-sweet love connection is sure to make your foodie heart race. Creating the perfect pair is easy with these dating guidelines. Foods with similar flavor profiles go together best. For darker chocolates, choose a more complex, aged cheese while sweet milk chocolates work best with buttery cheeses, like Brie. Bright, fruity chocolates are perfect with sharper cheeses and nuttier chocolates find a perfect pair in high butterfat cheeses. Want to spice things up a bit? Try pairing spicy chocolates with sharp cheeses – the intensities play off each other beautifully!

· Pair a dark chocolate with more the 80% cocoa with a delicious true Blue cheese
· Indulge in burnt caramel chocolates with a beer-soaked table cheese
· Pair a Bordeaux-style chocolate with a creamy triple crème Brie
· Treat yourself to candied orange peel and an aged Cheddar

Take the pairing up a notch with help from “Pair Savvy” a smart phone app that helps you pair the myriad of delicious California cheese varieties with the wine and beers you enjoy. The user-friendly application is free for download on most smart phones, including iPhone and Android devices, available at

Friday, February 10, 2012

Wine + Chocolate: Northern California Valentines Celebrations

My company TeamBuilding Unlimited has long been known for its Chocolate Team Building, as well as its Winning Wine Team Events. TeamBuilding Unlimited also produces a combination event-- Team Wine: The Noir of Wine and Chocolate Tasting. Wine and Chocolate are the Perfect Pairing.

I plan to do an in-depth article on Wine and Chocolate Pairing, but in the meantime, here are several different Wine and Chocolate Events (not necessarily pairings) in Northern California that will jumpstart your Valentine's Celebration. Wine and chocolate is what it's all about.

February 10: "Food From the Heart"at the 1898 Ferry Building Marketplace, San Francisco. Kick off Friday night, February 10th, in the candlelit Grand Nave. Merchants and restaurateurs at the Marketplace will offer chocolate tastings and seasonal hors d'oeuvres, and local Napa Valley Vintners will pour wine. The event is free with nominal charges for food and wine samples. 
       Marketplace shops will all be open from 5 to 8 PM for Valentine shopping on Friday night. Proceeds from purchases of wine and hors d'oeuvres will benefit Slow Food San Francisco's programs such as the School Garden Projects 

February 10: 6-9 p.m. Rock Wall Wine Company, Alameda. Via Amore! Viva Wine! Rock Wall Wines, treats and chocolate.

February 11: 12- 5:00 pm. Domenico Winery, San Carlos. Winter Wine Festival & Chocolate Festival. 6 wineries pouring their wines at Domenico Winery....Jazz Cellars, Muccigrosso Vineyards, Naumann Vineyards, Pinder Winery & Travieso Winery! Each winery will pair their wines with chocolate in celebration of Valentine's Day. For more info.

Feb 11-12, 10am-5pm: B.R. Cohn Winery, Glen Ellen Wine and chocolate lover celebration for Valentine’s Day. Mention the phrase “my special Valentine” to receive a complimentary tasting. There will be a chocolate fountain with dipping delights paired with a heavenly Cabernet Sauvignon.  B.R. Cohn Winery, 15140 Sonoma Hwy, Glen Ellen

Feb 11-12, 10am-4:30pm: Kenwood Vineyards, Kenwood. Cabernet & Chocolate
Kenwood Vineyards is offering a sweetheart of a deal on their Artist Series Cabernet Sauvignon. Taste their current vintages paired with dark chocolate. Kenwood Vineyards, 9592 Sonoma Hwy, Kenwood.

February 11, 1-4pm: DeLoach Vineyards, Santa Rosa, A Zin Affair to Remember. A Zin-extravaganza that  includes Vertical Zin tastings, gourmet chocolate, local artisan cheeses, raffle prizes, case specials, and music. DeLoach Vineyards, 1791 Olivet Rd, Santa Rosa

February 11 & 12, 12-5 p.m.: Mountain Winery, Saratoga. The Wine & Chocolate Event.  WINE & CHOCOLATE TASTINGS: Empanadas with Spicy Chocolate Dipping Sauce ~ Paired with The Mountain Winery Zinfandel, Chocolate dipped Cured Peppered Bacon ~ Paired with the Mountain Winery Merlot, Chocolate Pizza Nutella, Dried Fruits and Nuts ~ Paired with the Mountain Winery Syrah, Chef Sidoti’s famous brownie – Paired with the Mountain Winery Cabernet Sauvignon. Go here for more info.

February 11, 11-5 p.m: "In Love with Redwood Valley, A Day of Wine, Spirits and Chocolate. Mendocino. Third annual chocolate and wine extravaganza. Professional chocolatiers will present tastings of exquisite dark and milk chocolates, truffles, dipped strawberries, heart-shaped cakes and more, paired with Redwood Valley's dark, rich ports, cabernet sauvignon, petite sirah, muscat canelli and world-class liquers and brandies.  Click here for more info.

February 11-12, 11 am -4 pm: Lodi Wine & Chocolate Weekend. Travel from winery to winery while taking in each of the winery’s hosted activities such as wine and chocolate pairings, live music, barrel tasting and cellar tours.  Go here for more info. 

February 11: 1-3 pm: Silverado Vineyards, Napa, Wine & Chocolate.  Anette's Truffles paired with Silverado Vineyards wines. A true wine/chocolate pairing. For more info, click here.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Wine & Chocolate Tasting Team Event

TeamBuilding Unlimited has long been known for its  Chocolate Team Building, as well as its Winning Wine Team EventsTeamBuilding Unlimited also produces a combination event-- Team Wine: The Noir of Wine and Chocolate Tasting.

This event is a combination of two great tastes! Chocolate and Wine—to die for... Participants are given an opportunity to taste, sample and rate different Wines paired with great chocolate with different percentages of cacao. As participants sample each wine, they will use the five "S," seeing, swirling, smell, sip, and maybe spit, to compare colors, flavors and tastes. Teams will be given a chance to make comments, to keep score and to rate the wines and chocolates that they have tasted, as well as how they pair together.

Perfect for Team Events, Appreciations, or a Social Function!

Contact TeamBuilding Unlimited for this ultimate event!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Rocking Horses for Ronald McDonald House

Last week TeamBuilding Unlimited led a leadership group from one of the premiere retailers in children's furnishings and accessories in a terrific Charity Challenge: Rocking Horses for Tots. The company doesn't offer rocking horses, but after this team building event, I wouldn't be surprised to see them turn up in a future catalog and stores.

The group did an absolutely amazing job of assembling and painting/decorating the wooden rocking horses. Each team spent time brainstorming their designs before implementing them. Each Rocking horse was beautiful and creative!

The Rocking Horses were donated to the San Francisco Ronald McDonald House. This charitable event had a huge impact on the company that assembled and painted them, as well as the children who received them.  It was a Win-Win experience!

Here's what Shannon, Development Coordinator,  Ronald McDonald House said:

The horses were gone within ONE day. We were planning to keep two of them at the House but the kids were having so much fun. They had the biggest smiles when Ron said they could have them as their own. What a wonderful gift. The horses are a perfect project for the House since we always have children in that age range. I’m happy I was able to be a part of it.

Charity Challenge: Rocking Horses is a great way to bring your team together while fulfilling CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility. Contact TeamBuilding Unlimited for more information.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cartoon of the Day: Mystery Party

Planning a Murder Mystery Event? Contact Murder on the Menu. It won't be like this one. Auditor Parties are actually really fun!

Love this comic from Rhymes with Orange.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Party with a Purpose: Rocking Horse

Fulfill Corporate Responsibility as TeamBuilding Unlimited leads you in a Rocking Horse Building & Decorating team-building event! This is a great way to bring your team together while providing beautiful sturdy Rocking Horses to children in need.

Participants will receive Rocking Horse parts, glue, tools, brushes, paint and more. Teams of 3-4 will assemble and paint the rocking horses. Each team will decide on theme for their horses, as well as decorating (painting) and assembling. Could be a Zebra, a Rainbow, company Logo? your choice!
Once the Rocking Horses are completed, they are presented to local organization: Shelters, Police, Fire, Disaster, Hospitals or another charity.

This Charity Challenge is fun and altruistic. It benefits your team and the children and centers who receive the Rocking Horses. It's a Win-Win event for your Team!

Your teams' efforts and creativity are enhanced by philanthropy and social responsibility.