
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More Green TeamBuilding from TeamBuilding Unlimited

Recycle, reuse, reclaim, repurpose! That's the motto of TeamBuilding Unlimited's Green TeamBuilding events. The "Client" New Product Invention is a particularly fun and interactive event.

Teams design, create and build a new innovative Product from the materials provided or collected as a pre-event part of this activity. The product need not function as a demo but must be explained to the group in terms of What it Does and How it Works. Product must relate to the company, the group, and the team. Customized prizes for the best invention.

In addition to this event, we can provide clients with several other Green Events: Gimme Shelter, Tower of Power, and the Green Art Challenge. Even our Corporate Grand Prix is Green!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Trikes for Tots VaST Systems

Murder on the Menu/TeamBuilding Unlimited has worked with VaST Systems, one of our favorite clients, at their January Leadership meeting for the past three years. One year we did a Murder on the Menu mystery event, the next year, our team presented Hollywood: Casting Call. Both were very interactive and an overwhelming success. This year, given the current economic situation, VaST decided to work with Murder on the Menu/Team Building Unlimited on a Trikes for Tots event, an event that gives back to the community.
Held at the new Intercontinental Hotel, the Clement, in Monterey, the evening opened with a talk by a representative from The Kinship Center, an organization dedicated to the creation, preservation and support of foster, adoptive and relative families for children who need them. VaST participants began the teambuilding portion of the event with a series of competitive Wacky children's games led by Frank Price, VP of TeamBuilding Unlimited. Did I say competitive? Not all groups opt for competition, but this great international executive team got into the spirit quickly and completely. Not only did they approach each Wacky Game with high spirits, they challenged scores and judging. After a buffet dinner, the group moved on to the Charity Challenge: Trikes for Tots, assembling tricycles for the children The Kinship Center serves in Northern California. 11 Trikes were built and donated.

The evening ended with a new sense of camaraderie. Here's what Leslie Foster wrote:
"You did a great job, as always, and everyone had a good time. Nancy from the Kinship Organization presented very nicely how meaningful our trikes will be to the children. Wishing you the same hopes for a positive 2009 , and we look forward to getting creative with you and Janet and planning another event."

Murder on the Menu/Team Building Unlimited will need to come up with something to top this event! I think we'll be able to do it. We love working with repeat clients!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

MARKETOPOLY: The Green Art Challenge

TeamBuilding Unlimited has an array of Green Team Building activities and events that will provide your team with the tools and strategies to adapt in today's world. Our events will help your team understand the challenges and assets they possess as a team while being environmentally and ecologically involved.

Team Building Unlimited has several different Green Team Building Events that extending the meaning of Green with your Team. Recycle, Reuse, Repurpose.

THE GREEN ART PROJECT: Utilizing recycled materials, teams create trophies, awards, new products or other challenges specific to the goals and objectives of the meeting/event. This is an innovative green art experience. The Green Art Challenge also addresses working within a timeline and material limitations.

NEW PRODUCT INVENTION/MARKETOPOLY: A Variation of the Green Art Project
Design, create and build a new innovative Product from the materials provided. The product need not function as a demo but must be explained to the group in terms of What it Does and How it Works. Product must relate to the company, the group, and the team. Create the new Widget! And, how will you market it?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Chocolate Challenge

Everyone loves Chocolate! What could be more tempting than building a structure completely from chocolate? In this case, chocolate and chocolate related foods. TeamBuilding has never been so sweet!

Maybe Julie Barker from Meetings Industry Megasite explains it best:

Meetings Industry Megasite

Entertain with Chocolate by Julie Barker

On the West Coast, Janet Rudolph runs a Berkeley, CA, company called TeamBuilding Unlimited that features a "chocolate challenge." She divides the group into teams of four or five people, furnishes chocolate-covered graham crackers, M&Ms, chocolate Gummy Bears, Hershey bars—"anything you can think of that is made of chocolate. We go for different shapes, sizes, and textures, not high-end chocolate."

Groups then compete to build a structure. One HMO firm had its teams build their ideal hospitals. Another group set its teams to designing resorts. The result "has to stand up on its own and, except for the white cardboard base, has to be completely edible," says Rudolph. Teams are given about an hour to design and build, and then they have to present the results. "Half the fun is explaining why they did what they did," she says.

For more info on this and on our High End Chocolate Tasting, contact Janet Rudolph or Frank Price at TeamBuilding Unlimited/Murder on the Menu.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Tower of Power: Green Team Building

TeamBuilding Unlimited has an array of Green Team Building activities and events that will provide your team with the tools and strategies to adapt in today's world. Tower of Power is a great team building activity that will help your team understand the challenges and assets they possess as a team. Tower of Power also addresses working within a timeline as well as material limitations.

Utilizing recycled paper, cups, and other materials, each team is challenged to build the tallest 3 dimensional free-standing tower. Criteria for success will be given at the outset (ex: must be 5 feet tall, be able to balance an egg, withstand wind or another variable). Isn't the workplace all about variables?

Process is as important at the Final Tower and will be incorporated into the debriefing based on the team's goals and objectives, agenda and the actual activity in terms of how the work was completed, how the work was designed and managed and how the work was evaluated and monitored.

In these new economic times isn't it all about Team Work. Check out TeamBuilding Unlimited's other types of activities and events. All customized for your group. Groups of 5 to 500-anywhere in the World!

Be sure and go back through 2008 entries in our blog for Charity Challenges, Scavenger Quests and lots of other activities and events that will lead your team to Success in 2009.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

American Team Idol

American Team Idol, an incredible interactive event, includes team efforts with a song about your group, your company, your meeting. Everyone participates--choice of back-up singer, main singer, dancer. American Team Idol is one of the new 2009 TeamBuilding Unlimited/Murder on the Menu teambuilding/entertainment events. This is a great activity for your next meeting, conference or special event as teams compete to win fabulous prizes in several categories. Points are given for lyrics, style, and creativity. We provide M.C. and judges and a keyboardist to accompany your teams. This is rollicking fun and a great teambonding experience that can take place in the middle of a meeting, during dinner or just about wherever you choose.

Let the fun begin. Groups of 5 to 100--anywhere in the world!

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Team Building Events: Gimme Shelter

New TeamBuilding events for 2009. TeamBuilding Unlimited, our interactive customized teambuilding company, wants to meet the needs of the changing emotional and financial climate of meetings, conferences and special events. Now more than ever, companies are looking for teambuilding events that will help teams build morale, work together towards a common goals and incorporate tools and strategies they can continue to use back at work.

TeamBuilding Unlimited offers debriefing as well as fun, plus course correction and those new tools and strategies. We incorproate the goals and objectives, buzzwords and jargon and agenda into each and every event.

Here are a few new events we've added. Be sure and check TeamBuilding-Unlimited for other types of events and ideas. We'll be revamping our site, and keep checking our Blog, as we will be posting lots of types of events and situations to improve your team.

Gimme Shelter is a thoughtful activity that can be performed in most meeting spaces or outdoors. In these changing economic times, each team is challenged to 'seek shelter' (jargon and buzzwords of the meeting incorporated) by building a structure that will protect the entire group. Materials are distributed equally to each team. Specific Time is alotted to plan and build the shelter. There are some extra components in this activity that will surprise you. Communications skills (verbal and non-verbal), teamwork and organization. Debriefing on process, leadership, creative thinking, problem solving and ingenuity. This is a green activity. Recycled materials used.